Immigration and Border Management requires that all competent authorities work together in an effective and efficient manner to minimize bottle necks and potential delays in cross-border mobility, while ensuring the safety and security of those who move along the migration continuum. In addition, cooperation should be established across borders, with relevant agencies and entities in neighbouring States. With the coming into force of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), synergies between immigration and trade are becoming increasingly relevant, with a need to ensure interoperability of policies, systems and operational responses. An assessment carried out by IOM in 2018 evidenced the need to strengthen the capacities the Government of Mozambique, including border and law enforcement agencies, to improve border management and promote the ratification and eventual implementation of the SADC Protocol on the Facilitated Movement of People and Goods. IOM will support the Government of Mozambique to improve it operational systems, human resources and administrative and technical structures required to respond more effectively to diverse migration and border management challenges, while ensuring the protection of vulnerable migrants and security.


Support the Government of Mozambique in the implementation of integrated border management and immigration processes.

Key Results
  • New and upgraded tools and infrastructure are available for institutions involved in border management.
  • Strengthened capacities of officers of institutions involved in border management.
  • Improved coordination within and between the Government of Mozambique and neighbouring countries to manage borders.