In the town of Chiure, where many stories of resilience unfold, Julieta is carving a unique path at 50 years old. She decided to navigate the delicate balance of motherhood, work, and education. 

Leaving Macomia with her three kids in 2019 was not an easy decision for Julieta, but it was a necessary one. The specter of conflict and violence had descended upon her homeland, leaving behind scars that time alone could not heal. Amidst the uncertainty, Julieta made a choice—to forge ahead, to seek solace in the daily routines of life, and to chart a new course through education. 

Every morning, Julieta sets out to the “machamba”, the rural farmlands. Tending to the crops, she finds not only sustenance for her family but a connection to the earth that grounds her. The afternoons, however, unfold a different chapter in Julieta's life—a chapter of growth and resilience. 

In a special class designed for adults, Julieta attends secondary school with determination in her eyes. The curriculum includes Portuguese and Math. "I like Math better," she confesses with a smile, as if the challenges of equations somehow provide a comforting refuge from the complexities of life. Her decision to pursue education isn't merely about acquiring knowledge; it's a conscious effort to fill her time with purpose and to overcome the haunting memories of the past.

As Julieta shares, "I have decided to study to help me forget the things which happened back home when the conflict started."

Her words echo the sentiments of countless others. Yet, beneath Julieta's determination lies a longing—a desire to return home when the situation is safer.  

In Julieta's story, we find an inspiration that transcends the pages of a textbook. It's a narrative of resilience, courage, and the belief that, even in challenging moments, the pursuit of knowledge can be a guiding light. As she balances the demands of the “machamba” and the challenges of the classroom, Julieta emerges as a symbol of strength. 

SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities