As part of its Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Programme, and with the support of USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Affairs (BHA), the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO), the Government of Ireland, and The United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), IOM sets up Women’s Committees in the relocation sites, aimed to promote the empowerment of women and engagement within camp management.

One of the participants in this programme is Alima. She arrived with her mother, sister and seven children in Katapua Relocation Site in 2020. Besides being a mother, she is also the head of her household and sole breadwinner. In July 2021 she joined the Women’s Committee in Katapua relocation site: “Being part of the women’s committee made me able to see the challenges other people are facing and make them my own. I have learnt to be more empathic, and I found a place where I can express my ideas and opinions.” 

Besides promoting engagement with each other, the Women’s Committees also enables women to improve their contribution to the decision-making process of daily activities and needs: “Some of the women and families at the site did not have access to their farm plot. We presented the issue with the local leaders, and we were able to find a solution. Me and the other families now have access to farm plots.” Alima adds: “Together with other women we are stronger to face and solve our problems. ” 

Ensuring meaningful participation of all groups of a displaced population in decision making processes in camp governance structures is  an essential pillar of good camp management. Only when all groups’ voices are heard and considered, the assistance provided to them will be given considering these needs, capacities and expectations. IOM’s CCCM programme aims to provide platforms to support groups of people that otherwise may not get the same opportunity to engage and contribute to decision-making.  

“Together with other women we are stronger to face and solve our problems. ”
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals