IOM Mozambique’s Peacebuilding, Community Stabilization and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration programme seeks to strengthen the ability of communities to prevent and manage the negative effects of violent conflict and support processes that address the root causes of conflict. These programmatic responses focus on under- standing the social, economic, resource or political dynamics that drive insecurity and tension in communities through participatory assessments that can inform community-based solutions. Through local stakeholders, IOM Mozambique targets communities vulnerable to, or affected by violence, with activities that promote reconciliation, social cohesion and youth participation.


Support collaborative processes and community stabilization initiatives that contribute to safe and secure communities.

Key Results
  • Communities participate in culturally appropriate activities that promote well-being and reconciliation.
  • Social cohesion messaging campaigns are delivered through culturally relevant mediums.
  • Small-scale infrastructure and income generation projects prioritized by communities incentivize peace and social cohesion in communities.
  • Civil society organizations facilitate dialogue for peace in communities.
  • Research informs a contextual base for the community-based interventions.
  • DDR efforts are supported through community-based reintegration initiatives.