
IOM unveils insights from clean energy initiative with the private sector to empower displaced communities

Francisca, who was displaced due to climate shocks in central Mozambique, is pictured with her recently built improved stove. Photo: Amanda Nero/IOM 2024

Maputo, 26 March – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) shared insights gained from a collaborative clean energy initiative with private sector partners, aiming to improve clean energy access for displaced communities. This initiative is now considered a model for collaboration between IOM and the private sector in energy solutions, with potential for replication worldwide. The discussion took place during a workshop held in Maputo, Mozambique, on 18 and 19 March. 

Limited access to essential energy services creates challenges for internally displaced people and their host communities, making them more vulnerable to hardships and gender-based violence. The humanitarian energy sector faces difficulties in scaling up solutions due to economic barriers and perceived risks that deter private sector involvement. To tackle this issue, IOM, with support from Innovation Norway and NORCAP, partnered with private sector actors, C-Quest Capital, GreenLight Africa, Epsilon Energia Solar, and the NGO Mercy Corps.  

A pivotal aspect of the initiative was its eco-system approach that brought all the different stakeholders together in co-designing solutions. By collecting detailed energy data in five resettlement sites where displaced families are rebuilding their lives, IOM, communities, and its private sector partners identified improved cookstoves and solar systems for productive energy use as the most effective solutions to implement. 

"Before, we used to spend 20 meticais (about 0,30 USD) every day on firewood. But now, with this new stove we've built using materials from around here, like mud, the wood we get for 10 meticais lasts us a good 3 days," explains Isabel Felix, a resident of Ndedja resettlement. "And the lamp too! The kids can play and study even when the full moon is not there to give us some light during the night" she adds. 

During the workshop representatives from humanitarian, private, and public sectors, along with members of displaced communities who contributed to the project's development participated in the discussions. The event also explored new financing mechanisms to increase the adoption of sustainable energy products and services in displacement settings, including the power of carbon finance and the subsidies.  

Currently close to one million people remain affected by displacement in Mozambique due to conflict and disasters. “Leaving displaced communities out of the energy transition is simply not an option. We all stand to benefit from a successful transition to clean energy By ensuring these communities have access to clean energy, we not only empower them but also contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future for all,” said Sacha Nlabu, Deputy Chief of IOM’s mission in Mozambique. 

Learn more about this initiative here. 


For more information please contact:    

Maputo: Amanda Nero,    

Pretoria:  Abibo Ngandu, 


SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13 - Climate Action