Mozambique is designated as one of the eight pilot countries for the United Nations’ “Delivering as One” (DaO) reform programme, in which IOM’s role is increasing. IOM is a member of the UN Country Team (UNCT) and chairs the Humanitarian Country Team working group.

The UNCT and the Government of Mozambique approved the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and DaO in 2012. Three priority areas have been established to contribute to the overall development goal, which is “Reduced poverty and disparities leading to improved human development of Mozambicans, particularly the most vulnerable.” They are: 1) Governance; 2) Social Disparities; 3) Economic disparities. IOM co-convenes the Governance Development Results Group (DRG) and the Economic DRG Outcome 3 committee on Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. Additionally, IOM is a member of the Joint Team on AIDS and several other DRG outcome groups which fall under the One UN coordination mechanisms.

IOM has ensured that the outcomes of these three focus areas (which in turn will influence the outputs) sufficiently cover the areas of IOM’s mandate and areas of intervention in Mozambique. IOM will continue to play an active role in the process of developing outputs that will ensure IOM’s continuous assistance to key partners and beneficiaries including the government and migrants in Mozambique.